Guess who's back // The Boar bristle brush

 The moment many of you have been waiting for, our beloved Boar bristle brushes are back in stock! Woop-Woop.

Our Boar bristle brushes are handcrafted in France from smooth, rich olive wood, so buttery soft to the touch and sporting a gorgeous honey caramel colour. It doesn’t get much better than that!

Not only is the brush a stylish addition to any beard grooming collection, the boar bristles will do absolute wonders for your beard, no matter what stage it’s at.

The boar bristles help to keep the skin underneath the beard nice and healthy and beardruff free. The natural boar bristles work the skin gently to exfoliate and remove dead skin whilst distributing your natural oils so they don’t clog your pores. Not only alleviating the dreaded beardruff but simultaneously stimulating the hair follicles to promote new growth.

Nothing but winning!

Oh and of course helps to tame, smooth and shape the beard like no other brush. With regular use the brush can really help achieve your perfect beard shape by training the hairs, they WILL do as they’re told!

Basically if you don’t have one …. why the hell not?

Tips for use:

Our boar bristle brush is BFF’s with Old Joll’s beard oil and Creampot Toms Beard balm, and they give the best results when used together.

Apply beard balm or beard oil on a towel dried beard after showering (pores open up after a shower), make sure to use our beard shampoo for that especially clean feeling.  Then brush your beard with the boar bristle brush, this will distribute the oil/balm evenly and leave your beard looking it’s absolute best!

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