Cosmoprof // Bologna round up

Lloyd and Dave returned safe and sound to The Brighton Beard Co. HQ after a very successful show at Cosmoprof Bologna last week. Meeting many of our existing wholesalers in person, and of course meeting some great new contacts too.  The fair is large and has a lively atmosphere with the parry between buyers, sellers and the curious public.

Situated in ‘The British Pavillion’ section of the Piazza della Costituzione, Lloyd and Dave were well looked after. A smoothly run well organised operation, offering delightful fresh food, drinks and Coffee everyday making sure Lloyd and Dave were well sustained for the full day at the show.

Outside of the show Bologna turned out to be a delightful city, having a lively atmosphere as well as a certain grandeur about it, largely due to the exquisite medieval and renaissance architecture running throughout the city. Of course the food outside of the show lived up to Italy’s culinary reputation, particularly the Lasagne so I’m told.

Having a custom made stand really showed our products to their best, but it also meant that Lloyd and Dave had to drive out to Bologna with the stand in the back. Although a two day drive, they couldn’t complain at the stunning views they encountered along the way, Mont Blanc was an especially beautiful vista, covered in snow with a backdrop of beautiful blue sky. The long trip was also made better by the fancy service stations, they all offered deliciously fresh Italian food compared with the traditional service stations in the UK, the Italians really know how to cook, even at service stations.

All in all a successful few days at Cosmoprof, one we’re planning on making an annual trip, See you there next year!

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