Freshen up this summer // Beard care

Boy is it hot, at least down in Sunny Brighton it is! The heat may be swaying some of you to shave your beloved beards off just to make it a little more bearable, never fear however, you can keep the beard!

All that is needed is a few top tips to keep you reaching for the razor. Here’s how to keep that sexy beard looking and feeling its best all summer long:

Thy shall scratch no more:

Beard itch is probably the number one reason that men go back to being fresh faced. We’ve all experienced the dreaded itch at some point and this can be exacerbated during the summer months when you feel like you’re sweating out of every single pore. The more you scratch however the more you will want to scratch, a bit like stinging nettles.

You’re probably thinking that’s a lot easier said than done, and you’re right but luckily we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeve for managing that insatiable urge to scratch.....

The blessed beard brush:

Scratching with your fingernails can irritate the follicles and can lead to them getting infected and be the cause of beard-druff. Not ideal. Using a boar bristle brush will gentle exfoliate the skin underneath, this both promotes growth by stimulating the hair follicles and evenly distributing your natural oils, oh and of course sating that need to scratch.

Scrub a dubb dubb:

Just like the hair on your head your beard hair needs washing too, it contracts sebum, dead skin cells and sweat, not a nice combo all in all but a good beard shampoo will remove these nasties. Water just won’t cut it but using The Millers shampoo bar will gently cleanse your beard removing any trapped particles but won’t strip the natural oils, all of this means your beard will remain nourished whilst looking and feeling fresh. The shampoo is a solid bar which makes it perfect for taking on holiday, and if you don’t want to pack the whole bar you can just slice a piece off!

Oil but not oily:

Even though your beard is likely to appear less dry in the summer it actually isn’t. Our old Joll’s oil is light and non greasy which means that you won’t feel it weighing your beard down but it will give your beard a little pick me up every time you use it. We suggest using on a towel dried beard  after using The Millers beard shampoo. This will mean it will be more easily absorbed into your pores and have the most effect. Not only will it have your beard looking tip top in no time you’ll also smell fantastic, our oils come in six different scents for ya’ll to choose from!

A finer facial fuzz:

Although we’re allergic to a clean shave we know the value of a neat trim, this will help to get some air flow to your skin and will probably make you feel a bit cooler under the suns rays. It may even lead to a whole new beard shape, leaving you looking better than ever and ready for that summer style.

beard products

Now you've got no excuse not to keep your facial fuzz looking sleek and neat all summer long!

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